Top 5 Money Murdering Mistakes Your Website Designer Won't Tell You !!(12)

SEO Myths

Even SEO has myths that are unknowingly spread by bloggers, authenticated by experts, and followed by the whole community. Some of them induce fear in the minds of people, whereas others put them into a relaxed mode. Let us look at them one by one.

Myth #1:- Google will penalize slow websites.

Reality: As per Google, “It will only affect pages that deliver the slowest experience to users and will only affect a small percentage of queries. The intent of the search query is still a sound signal, so a slow webpage may still rank highly if it has great, relevant content.” Page Speed contributes to ranking but is not the sole factor.

Myth #2:- News Releases will boost your ranking.

Reality: Google automatically ignores these links as they are from the company themselves and are not natural links. Google also said that these type of link should be nofollowed (Links with rel=”nofollow” tell the search engine to ignore the links and not pass page rank, and they do not impact search engine rankings). News releases were an old tradition; do not spend money on them now.

Myth #3:- Meta Tags are not relevant anymore.

Reality: Matt Cutts said that Google doesn’t use the keywords and description metatag in page ranking, but they are still relevant, and you should spend time on them. People click a particular website seeing what Meta Tag has to say about the Content.

Myth #4:- Google doesn't care about security certificates.

Reality: Google confirmed since 2014 that HTTPS/SSL is a ranking factor and increases website credibility. Data from Google Chrome shows that more than 70% of the users visit Secure sites, and since July 2018, Google has marked and reminds visitors that the websites are” Not Secure.” So it is high time you get an HTTPs certificate for your website. You can get free HTTPs or SSL certificate from or

Myth #5:- More Content = Higher rank on the web.

Reality: It all depends on the Content quality, not on the quantity. Try answering the visitor’s intent via blog posts. Regularity in updation indeed shows that your website is fresh, but this is not a factor for ranking. It depends upon the level of your content.

Myth #6:- SEO for once and relax for life.

Reality: Google, on an average, has 500 small updates every year. Ranking signals change over time. They vary from query to query, from day to day and from user to user. There’s a lot of personalization required.

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Myth #7:- Automated SEO is blackhat or spammy.

Reality: Well, there is nothing wrong with using automation to manage all your channels. In today’s era, companies that do automation are the ones that have time to plan more diversification to engage users. Imagine you are scheduling your posts, liking posts that have a specific hashtag, engaging with the Instagram community on automation basis. Everything, when done according to the guidelines of the Social Network & the search engine, encourages users to interact with the Brand.

Myth #8:- Using a service that promises to register your site with "hundreds of search engines" is suitable for your site's rankings.

Reality: Have you seen that email where Nigerian prince who desperately needs your help to get a large amount of money smuggled out of his country for which you will be rewarded?

Avoid all the services that promise overnight ranking of your content. They are spam, and this will lead to your downgrade in your rankings.

Myth #9:- Spending lots of money in paid search help your organic rankings.

Reality: No, a paid search does not help in organic rankings. This is a simple formula that every company that is looking forward to investing in paid campaigns should remember. Paid search and rankings are entirely disconnected from each other.

Myth #10:- First, you get your site launched, then start with SEO efforts.

Reality: Imagine building a home first and then doing the electrical wiring throughout the house. Though it is possible, but for that, you need to tear out the walls to get the installation done. That is how SEO needs to be done.

When you are writing content for the website or drawing a wireframe for every page, keywords optimization and planning should be your first step.

Myth #11:- Our SEO firm is endorsed/approved by Google.

Reality: There are so many companies that have this logo on their website that they are Google approved partners, and that is how they take projects. There is nothing known as Google approved partners, if you run an AdWords campaign via Google or any search engine for say then you can call yourself as their partner. This is a hack to increase sales

Myth #12:- There's no such thing as mobile SEO.

Reality: Google can now detect usability issues that the user faces while mobile browsing. If the website is not optimized for mobile browsing experience, then you might see a drop of your ranking on a search engine for users searching on Mobile.

Myth #13:- Great content equals (i.e., automatically leads to) high rankings.

Reality: While I was writing this chapter election are going on in India. So, I had this question, does outstanding policy means a successful politician? No, right. You have a substantial content that deserves to be ranked but does not, as no one knows about it or your site architecture is misleading to the spiders.

Do not be solely dependent on the content; do marketing on various social networks, build links on multiple blogs, answer people on Quora. In short, let people know you exist.

Myth #14:- It’s important for your rankings that you update your home page frequently.

Reality: Plenty of Static Websites are doing just fine. Freshness may be helpful but not required to maintain a high ranking. If you have strong domain authority, you can maintain a top position on a search engine for a very long time.

Myth #15:- I’ve got lots of links, so I don’t need to build more.

Reality: Search Engine look at various factors when it comes to link building. Old links indicate authority in your content, whereas new links show freshness and relevance. So it is a good idea to have both.


These Myths change over time, and plenty of new ones come as Search Engine update their algorithm. The only thing that you should remember is to follow the basics of SEO while developing or marketing your website.

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Thinksprout Infotech is leading IT Solutions company providing excellent services with great efforts. The Company also deals in Online Application and Custom Software Development. Moreover, we have an extensively experienced team in programming databases and back-end solutions. In the same vein, we develop user-friendly applications for our clients for better operations and outputs.

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About Us

Thinksprout Infotech is leading IT Solutions company providing excellent services with great efforts. The Company also deals in Online Application and Custom Software Development. Moreover, we have an extensively experienced team in programming databases and back-end solutions. In the same vein, we develop user-friendly applications for our clients for better operations and outputs.

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