WhatsApp has been spotted developing a new interface for business accounts where users will have the ability to share a short link with customers directly from the app. The change has appeared on a new WhatsApp for Android beta version, though it could be available to WhatsApp Business accounts on iOS as well. At present, WhatsApp allows both business users and regular consumers to share their profiles through a QR code. The app, though, does let its users manually create short links to their WhatsApp account profiles.

According to a report by WhatsApp beta tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp for Android beta version has carried references about the new interface. The website has also shared a couple of screenshots to suggest the changes that are not yet made public.

The screenshots indicate that the existing QR code button that is available next to the user account name would be replaced with a new share icon. Tapping that icon would bring a new Share Profile section where users would get the option to copy the short link of their profile. The short link can be used to allow people to chat with a WhatsApp account, without requiring them to save its phone number in their contacts list. It starts with WhatsApp’s short URL wa.me and includes the phone number of the user account.

WhatsApp is apparently getting a new profile sharing interface
Photo Credit: WABetaInfo


Alongside giving the ability to copy the profile link, the Share Profile section appears to have a Share Link option to let users share the link to their profile.

WABetaInfo reports that the updated interface will be meant specifically for WhatsApp Business accounts. This suggests that regular users may not be able to see it on their app.

Exact details on the availability of changes are yet to be revealed. The update has also not yet been rolled out to beta testers.

Recently, WhatsApp was found to be working on a new feature to show estimated time of arrival (ETA) for file sharing and developing new drawing tools. It was also spotted testing new message reactions for Android users.

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Jagmeet Singh writes about consumer technology for Gadgets 360, out of New Delhi. Jagmeet is a senior reporter for Gadgets 360, and has frequently written about apps, computer security, Internet services, and telecom developments. Jagmeet is available on Twitter at @JagmeetS13 or Email at jagmeets@ndtv.com. Please send in your leads and tips.

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