WhatsApp will has begun testing the ability to link a secondary phone and an Android tablet as part of the ‘companion mode’ that is said to be in development. The Meta-owned instant messaging and calling service has been working on an evolved version of its multi-device feature to support additional smartphones and tablets, according to previous reports. A feature tracker has revealed that the company is now allowing some beta testers on Android phones and tablets to link a secondary phone to their primary WhatsApp account. There’s no word from the company on when the companion mode will be rolled out to all users on the stable channel.
According to noted feature tracker WABetaInfo, the latest beta version of WhatsApp beta for Android — version — adds support for the companion mode which allows users to link a secondary phone to their primary account.
WhatsApp currently lets users link up to four other computers to their primary account, with access to most features available on the smartphone apps, as well as end-to-end encryption. The upcoming companion mode would allow users to link phones and tablets, in addition to computers.
Beta users of the messaging app on Android can activate companion mode by going to the options menu on the registration screen and selecting ‘Link a device’ from the dropdown menu, according to the feature tracker. The feature has been rolled out to some beta users for now, while a wider rollout will take more time.
The latest version of WhatsApp beta for Android also brings the ability to link to an Android tablet, the feature tracker claims.
This feature is only available to some beta testers for now and is found in the linked devices beta option in the devices section of the settings menu. The pairing process is straightforward and done via scanning a QR code, according to WABetaInfo. The service is said to be planning to bring the new companion mode to more users with upcoming updates.
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