Vivo T1 Pro 5G and Vivo T1 44W could be launched in India in the coming weeks as upcoming additions to the company’s recently introduced T-Series lineup, after the company’s handle for the country teased the smartphones on Twitter. The handsets are tipped to feature Snapdragon chipsets under the hood and sport AMOLED displays, while running on Android 12 with the company’s Funtouch OS on top. The company recently launched the Vivo T1 5G handset in India. Ahead of the launch of the Vivo T1 Pro 5G, the smartphone’s purported specifications have surfaced online.

While the company is yet to officially reveal details of the Vivo T1 Pro 5G and the Vivo T1 44W, it teased the arrival of both smartphones on Twitter on Sunday. Meanwhile, a report by India Today citing people familiar with the matter claims that the company is working on the Vivo T1 Pro 5G and the Vivo T1 44W. The company’s second and third smartphones in the T-Series portfolio are tipped to feature Snapdragon 778G and Snapdragon 680 SoCs, respectively. The Vivo T1 Pro 5G will feature a 64-megapixel primary camera and come with support for 66W fast charging.

Meanwhile, the Vivo T1 44W is tipped to pack a 5,000mAh battery with 18W charging support, according to the report. In the teaser shared by the company, a smartphone with a shadow is shown, suggesting one of the handsets could feature a similar rear camera design as the Vivo T1 5G smartphone. Both smartphones will sport AMOLED displays, according to the report.

Vivo T1 Pro 5G, Vivo T1 44W pricing (rumoured)

Vivo T1 Pro 5G and Vivo T1 44W price in India is yet to be revealed by the company. The company is tipped to launch both smartphones under the Rs. 25,000 mark. The company launched the Vivo T1 5G in February, with a price tag of Rs. 15,590.

Vivo T1 Pro 5G specifications

According to specifications shared by tipster Sudhanshu Ambhore, the upcoming Vivo T1 Pro 5G will run on Android 12-based Funtouch OS 12. It will be powered by a Snapdragon 778G SoC, paired with 8GB of RAM. The handset will sport a 6.44-inch full-HD+ AMOLED display, with a refresh rate of 90Hz.

The smartphone is tipped to feature a triple camera setup, with a 64-megapixel primary camera with an f/1.79 aperture lens, an 8-megapixel secondary camera with an f/2.2 aperture lens, and a 2-megapixel tertiary camera with an f/2.4 aperture lens, along with a 16-megapixel selfie camera with an f/2.0 aperture lens. The Vivo T1 Pro 5G is tipped to pack a 4,700mAh battery with support for 66W fast charging.

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