Ask any crypto investor or observer, and they will agree about the crypto market’s volatility being in a different zone at any point of time in the year. However, volatility is a very natural and obvious part of market activity, and one cannot predict the crypto price trend without putting effort. 

Most crypto traders generally follow three types of analysis while investing; Technical, Fundamental, and Sentimental analysis. The three should be used closely together, although you can choose to master one of them, and that might earn you a fortune. But in today’s era, who has got time to understand and learn the factors of the crypto market? And that is why CoinSwitch Kuber, the Indian crypto exchange platform, has taken a step forward to help investors start investing in the crypto market without worrying about the volatility risk.

Today, we’ll tell you about Recurring Buy Plan (RBP), which is an ideal crypto buying tool by CoinSwitch to give you a steady, disciplined approach towards creating wealth.

Recurring Buy Plan by CoinSwitch – The SIP-like crypto tool

CoinSwitch has launched a Recurring Buy Plan (RBP) investment tool that will enable you to make a systematic amount of investment every month, just like a SIP, into the crypto market. You don’t have to time the market and make any impulsive buying, selling or holding decisions. RBP enables you to stay invested throughout the highs and lows of the market so that you can earn profits in the long run. 

Why should you consider using RBP?

1) Instead of putting a large sum of money in different intervals of time, you can easily invest a fixed amount of money every month in the asset of your choice to beat market volatility with cost averaging.

2) RBP makes you consistent, disciplined, and dependable with its systematic investment plan, and hence you get a steady approach to creating wealth for yourself.

3) As we told you earlier, RBP will save you from analyzing the market and worrying whether it will make losses. RBP’s systematic investment every month might make you sit on huge profits just by being one regular and dedicated investor. 

How RBP is ideal for both beginners and long-term investors in crypto?

If you are a new investor, and you are planning to start your investment journey in the crypto world, or you are a long-time investor and planning to play safely, then CoinSwitch’s RBP is what you should be considering. The great thing about RBP is that it keeps you away from any storm in the market, and due to this you will be securing yourself from making any decision that may cost you a lot of your hard-earned money. 

When should you prefer RBPs?

Have a low risk-appetite 

RBPs will save you from the high risks involved in the crypto market by finding the average buy price, which could still be lower than the final selling price. So you don’t have to worry if you invest when the market is at its highs.

Wish to hedge against volatility 

As RBPs follow fixed buying cycles, they remain unaffected by the market volatility. There are many traders and big names in the industry whose one tweet or a statement can make the crypto market fluctuate. RBPs make sure the investor remains safe from such activities.

Be ready for long-term exposure 

RBPs tend to give better returns over short-term buying and selling due to the recurring investments made into specific crypto assets. With RBPs, one doesn’t face losses in the market by the short-term price fluctuations or any impulsive decision. 

Fewer worries 

Tracking crypto prices can be a daunting task. One needs to put in a lot of work that involves technical, fundamental, and sentimental analysis of the crypto charts. With RBPs, forget the complex brainstorming sessions, choose the most promising asset and start buying crypto with a fixed amount every month.

Have a small corpus 

You can invest as low as Rs. 100 per month in your preferred crypto asset. This means that you don’t have to invest a huge amount of money at once. With RBPs you don’t have to worry about the highs and lows as it helps you hit the average buying price, which decreases the risk of volatility.

A few downsides to RBPs that you must know about

You cannot do instant buying and selling of crypto tokens using the RBP. Since it is a systematic investment plan, it might block the capital and not allow day-to-day trading. They also might not help you identify key drops in the market.

But no matter what, RBPs in crypto are a more reliable tool in the long term. So, what are you waiting for now? Go download CoinSwitch and place your first RBP today!. 

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