Telegram is getting an update that includes multiple new features. These include a download manager to control downloads, a new attachment menu to share documents and re-arrange media albums before sending, and new streaming tools to turn a Telegram channel into a TV station. In addition, the Android app is getting semi-transparent headers. Further, there is a new method to share links to your phone number to open chats. The latest update also includes a redesigned login flow on macOS and Android and new pages.

Telegram announced the arrival of the update via a blog post that includes details on how to use the new features. As mentioned, the update has added a new download manager. When a user is downloading a file on Telegram, a new download icon will appear in the search bar. This allows the users to pause or resume all downloads or individual items, and adjust a download’s priority. Moreover, there is a new attachment menu to preview, remove, and rearrange a media album before sending it.

In order to make searching easier, the Files tab will display recently sent files as well. Transparent headers that work in night mode is also reaching Android devices now with the latest update. Another change is the login flow on both Android and macOS with new animations.

Similarly, Telegram users can now share their phone number as a link via their username to instantly open the chat, depending on the privacy settings. With this update, you can chat with someone on Telegram without sharing your phone number with them. With the new links, anyone without a telegram account can preview profiles, posts, or entire public channels in their browser.

In the latest update, the app is bringing a new feature for supporting Telegram live streams. With this, users can now broadcast from streaming tools like OBS Studio and XSplit Broadcaster, to turn the Telegram channel into a TV station.

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