Tecno Spark 9T is all set to hit the Indian market on July 28, the Chinese company confirmed on Tuesday through its official social media channel. A dedicated microsite on the Amazon India website is also teasing the specifications of the Tecno Spark 9T ahead of launch. The Indian variant of the Tecno Spark 9T has a water-drop style notch display and a triple rear camera unit led by a 50-megapixel main sensor, as per the microsite. The handset will be powered by the MediaTek Helio G35 SoC. A side-mounted fingerprint sensor, 5,000mAh battery, 18W fast charging support are the other key highlights of the smartphone. Tecno unveiled the Tecno Spark 9T in select global markets last month.

The launch of Tecno Spark 9T will take place on July 28, the Chinese vendor announced through a post on Twitter. Amazon earlier this week created a dedicated landing page on its website to announce the release of the Tecno Spark 9T in the Indian market. However, the time of the launch event and India pricing details of the smartphone are unknown at this moment.

To recall, the Tecno Spark 9T was unveiled in Nigeria in June and reportedly costs NGN 78,300 (roughly Rs. 14,590) for the base 4GB RAM +64GB storage model. The Indian variant is also likely to be priced in the same range.

The predecessor, the Tecno Spark 8T was unveiled in India last year with a price tag of Rs. 8,999 for the lone 4GB RAM + 64GB storage variant.

Tecno Spark 9T specifications

The Amazon listing indicates that the Tecno Spark 9T will feature a 6.6-inch full-HD display. The display will have a waterdrop style notch to house the selfie shooter. The handset will be powered by an octa-core MediaTek Helio G35 SoC, coupled with 3GB of RAM. The RAM can be virtually extended up to 7GB using the additional inbuilt storage.

For optics, the Tecno Spark 9T will feature a triple rear camera setup headlined by 50-megapixel primary sensor. As mentioned, it will sport a side-mounted fingerprint sensor for authentication. The listing also suggests a 5,000mAh battery in the upcoming phone. The phone is teased to come with 18W fast charging support that is claimed to fill the battery from 0 to 50 percent in less than one hour.

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