OnePlus Nord 2 5G has allegedly exploded in India yet again — just months after a series of similar cases emerged online. A user took to Twitter to report the explosion. The phone allegedly burst open completely, rendering it unusable. The incident did not result in any physical harm to the user, though the affected OnePlus Nord 2 5G got apparently burnt. The latest issue surfaced nearly five months after another OnePlus Nord 2 5G allegedly exploded, causing serious burns to the user.

Twitter user Lakshay Verma reported that his brother’s OnePlus Nord 2 5G exploded in his hands while he was on a call. The New Delhi-based user went to a OnePlus service centre in Connaught Place to find a fix for the burnt phone, but the centre allegedly refused to address the concerns.

The service centre called the affected user to recollect the exploded phone after keeping it for two-three days, according to the details provided by the Twitter user.

The Twitter user last week shared some images to give references about the explosion and show the burnt phone through photos. The photos showed the phone with a shattered screen and detached frame.

However, the tweets carrying the initial references were pulled shortly after the incident received some online coverage on Wednesday. A video showing the phone in burning condition was still available at the time of writing.


Gadgets 360 has reached out to OnePlus for a response to the incident. This report will be updated when we hear back.

This is not the first time when the OnePlus Nord 2 5G allegedly exploded. Similar issues emerged last year as well. In one case, OnePlus even sent a legal notice to the user who alleged an explosion of his OnePlus Nord 2 5G. The Chinese company also reportedly compensated the affected user in another case that was reported in November.

Interestingly, in all the previous cases that were covered by the press, the affected users had removed tweets referring to the incidents once they came under the spotlight.

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