Motorola Razr 2022 was earlier scheduled to launch on August 2, alongside the Moto X30 Pro. However, hours before the launch, the event was cancelled. In a latest update, the Lenovo-owned company confirmed that it will announce the Moto Razr 2022 alongside the Moto X30 Pro and Moto S30 Pro phones on August 11 in China. A dedicated microsite on the brand’s online store is teasing the specifications of the Motorola Razr 2022 ahead of launch. It is confirmed to offer a 144Hz refresh rate display.
Chen Jin, General Manager of Lenovo Mobile Business Group confirmed the launch date of Motorola Razr 2022, Moto X30 Pro, and Moto S30 Pro on Weibo. Lenovo has a timer going on a dedicated landing page on its online store for the launch of the phones and it will take place on August 11 at 8pm (local time) in China (5:30pm IST).
The Motorola Razr 2022 is teased to feature a 6.7-inch OLED inner display with 144Hz refresh rate, HDR10+ support, and DC dimming. The foldable phone will have a 2.7-inch display on the outside as well. As confirmed earlier, the smartphone will be powered by a Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC. The phone will be available in an 8GB RAM and 256GB storage configuration.
For optics, the Motorola Razr 2022 is teased to feature a dual rear camera unit led by a 50-megapixel primary sensor with support for optical image stabilisation (OIS). The rear camera unit will also include a 13-megapixel wide-angle sensor. For selfies, it will have a 32-megapixel sensor at the front. Further, the phone will have speakers with Dolby Atmos support.
The Moto X30 Pro and Moto S30 Pro phones will also be announced alongside the foldable phone on August 11 in China. The Moto X30 Pro is already confirmed to feature a 200-megapixel primary camera as well as support 125W GaN fast charging. The Moto S30 Pro could be powered by Snapdragon 888+ SoC and is expected to pack a 4,270mAh battery with support for 68W fast charging.