Moto G82 5G will be launched in India on June 7, the company revealed through a teaser on Thursday. A dedicated microsite on Flipkart also started teasing the specifications of the new Motorola G series smartphone ahead of launch in the country. India variant of Moto G82 5G will have a slim design and a pOLED panel, as per the microsite. The smartphone was launched in Europe earlier in May with specifications including a 6.6-inch full-HD+ AMOLED display with 120Hz refresh rate, 4GB of RAM, and a 5,000mAh battery. The Moto G82 5G is powered by the Snapdragon 695 5G SoC.

In a tweet, Motorola India announced the arrival of the Moto G82 5G in the country. The smartphone is scheduled to launch on June 7 and will go on sale via Flipkart, Reliance Digital, and other major retail stores. Motorola claims that Moto G82 5G offers India’s first 50-megapixel optical image stabilisation (OIS) camera in the segment. Separately, Flipkart has created a dedicated landing page on its website to tease the arrival of the smartphone. However, the time of the launch event and India pricing details of the smartphone are unknown at this moment.

Moto G82 5G price in India (expected)

To recall, the Moto G82 5G was introduced in the European markets last month with a price tag of EUR 329.99 (roughly Rs. 26,500) for the single 6GB RAM + 128GB storage variant. It is offered in Meteorite Gray and White Lily colour options. The India pricing of the smartphone could be in range with the European pricing.

Moto G82 5G specifications

The Indian variant of Moto G82 5G is likely to have most of the same specifications as the European variant. The Flipkart listing suggests that it will have a 6.6-inch pOLED display with a 120Hz refresh rate and 360Hz touch sampling rate. The handset will be powered by Snapdragon 695 5G SoC.

As per the listing, the Moto G82 5G has a triple rear camera unit comprising a 50-megapixel primary sensor with support for OIS, an 8-megapixel ultra-wide-angle sensor, and a macro sensor. For selfies and video chats, the Moto G82 5G sports a 16-megapixel sensor at the front.

The Flipkart listing further indicates a 5,000mAh battery on Moto G82 5G that supports 30W TurboPower fast charging. The smartphone has a dust- and water-resistant design with an IP52 rating. It packs dual stereo speakers with Dolby Atmos support as well.

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