Itel A23S entry-level smartphone launched in India on Tuesday. It supports high-speed dual 4G VoLTE connectivity and HD video calling. The smartphone supports English and 14 additional Indian languages, including Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengalese, Kannada, Malayalam, Kashmiri, Urdu, Nepali, Marathi, and Oriya. Under the hood, it packs a quad-core Unisoc SC9832E coupled with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of onboard storage. The smartphone also comes with features like WhatsApp call recording, peek mode, call alert, and status save.

Itel A23S price in India, availability

The Itel A23S only offers a 2GB RAM + 32GB storage configuration that is priced at Rs. 5,299. It comes in Ocean Blue, Sky Cyan, and Sky Black colour options. This Itel smartphone will soon be available online and in retail stores.

Itel A23S specifications, features

This handset sports a 5-inch display with a 480×854 pixels resolution. It features thick symmetrical bezels on the top and bottom of the screen for housing the front camera and the navigation touch buttons, respectively. The Itel A23S is powered by a quad-core Unisoc SC9832E paired with 2GB of RAM and 32GB of onboard storage (expandable up to 32GB via microSD card).

In terms of camera, this smartphone features a 2-megapixel rear camera with LED flash as well as a VGA front-facing sensor with LED flash. The Itel A23S supports Wi-Fi and Bluetooth v4.2 wireless connectivity. It also features a 3.5mm audio jack.

The Itel A23S is equipped with a 3,020mAh battery that is said to provide up to 24 hours of 4G talk-time. The smartphone comes with features like smart face unlock, WhatsApp call recording, multi-language support, and more. The handset measures 145.4×73.5×10.5mm in dimensions.

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