Google Pixel 6a was launched in India last week on July 21 and it is now set to go on sale in the country for the first time on July 28. The smartphone packs a 12.2-megapixel dual rear camera setup and an 8-megapixel front shooter. The smartphone also brings an intelligent addition to the Magic Eraser function with the Camouflage tool. Now, a new report is suggesting that the Camouflage tool will soon also be available on the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro.

According to a report by The Verge, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro will be getting the Camouflage tool on July 28 — the same day when the Pixel 6a goes on sale. Reportedly, this update was confirmed by Google spokesperson Matt Flegal.

The Magic Eraser function can be used to remove unwanted objects from the background of an image and fill the area. The function seemingly works most efficiently if your subject is isolated from other objects in the background. This shortcoming purportedly makes the Magic Eraser inconsistent and can at times deliver images with distracting artefacts.

Google has developed the Camouflage tool to provide an alternative that is said to be relatively more reliable. This tool desaturates the selected object in the background to make it less distracting, instead of completely removing it. The Camouflage tool can be ideal for desaturating brightly coloured objects in the background more reliably than the Magic Eraser function.

The Pixel 6a comes with the Camouflage tool by default. It has a dual rear camera setup, including a 12.2-megapixel primary sensor, and a 12-megapixel ultra-wide camera. It also sports an 8-megapixel front-facing shooter. The smartphone has a 6.1-inch full-HD+ (1,080 x 2,400 pixels) OLED display. The Pixel 6a packs a Google Tensor SoC coupled with a Titan M2 security coprocessor. There is also a 4,410mAh battery with fast charging support.

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