Google has unveiled a slew of features for Android smartphones, tablets, and Wear OS smartwatches on Thursday. The latest improvements include three new widgets for Google Finance, Google TV, and Google New for customising the Android phone or tablet home screen. On top of that, Google’s June feature update brings “Reading practice” mode on Google Play Books to improve the vocabulary and comprehension skills of users. The Emoji Kitchen now lets users remix their favourite emoji into stickers. Further, the tech giant is offering Dark Web Reports available to Google One account holders in the US.

Google on June 1, announced the addition of new features coming soon to Android smartphones, tablets, and Wear OS smartwatches via a blog post. Google Play Books is getting a “Reading practice” functionality. This new mode will help readers improve their vocabulary and comprehension skills using their Android phones or tablets. With this, readers can hear the pronunciation of unknown words, practice mispronounced words, and receive feedback in real time. This is supported by e-books marked with a “Practice” badge in Google Play Books.

Further, Google is bringing three new widgets — Google Finance, Google TV, and Google News — for phones and tablets. This would allow users to customise the home screen of their devices with shortcuts and find personalised movie and stock suggestions, and important headlines right at their fingertips.

Emoji Kitchen is getting upgrades as part of the June feature drop. Now, users can remix emojis into stickers to send as messages via Gboard.

Additionally, the Dark Web report, which was previously available to Google One account holders in the US, is getting a wider rollout. First announced at I/O 2023, the feature allows users to check if their details have been exposed on the Dark Web and receive guidance on the actions they can take to protect themselves online. Google One members in the US can scan for additional personal information, such as their social security number through the website and App. The Dark Web report will be launched in 20 countries in the coming months.

Google I/O 2023 saw the search giant repeatedly tell us that it cares about AI, alongside the launch of its first foldable phone and Pixel-branded tablet. This year, the company is going to supercharge its apps, services, and Android operating system with AI technology. We discuss this and more on Orbital, the Gadgets 360 podcast. Orbital is available on Spotify, Gaana, JioSaavn, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music and wherever you get your podcasts.
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