BlueStacks X, a cloud-based game streaming service for mobile games, was launched in India on Friday as a beta test. The cloud gaming service will be available on multiple platforms across computers, smartphones, and Raspberry Pi devices. It is claimed to be the world’s first cloud-based game streaming service for mobile phones and offers free game streaming via compatible Web browsers across platforms. BlueStacks X is powered by a hybrid cloud technology and the company says it currently hosts more than 200 games with many games being added each week.

The new cloud-based game streaming service, BlueStacks X, has launched as a beta test in India and is also live in 13 other countries. The service can be accessed on a Web browser on Android, Chrome OS, iOS, Linux, macOS, Raspberry Pi, Windows 10, and Windows 11 devices. BlueStacks X can also be used by BlueStacks App Player users. It will host more than 200 games and new games will be added on a weekly basis, as per the company. Currently, the games belong to role-playing games (RPG) and strategy genres with new genres promised to be added over time.

There are 14 games listed on the BlueStacks X website that are currently playable. These include Lords Mobile: Kingdom Wars, Traffic Puzzle – Match 3 Game, RAID: Shadow Legends, Dragonscapes Adventure, Looney Tunes World of Mayhem, Star Conflict Heroes, Pop Slots, Guild of Heroes: Epic Dark Fantasy, Dynasty Scrolls, MU Origin 2 Webzen, Evony: The King’s Return, and War Robots.

Players are also eligible for a special giveaway offer by BlueStacks. A tweet by the company mentions that five winners will get a chance to win a $50 (roughly Rs. 3,700) Google Play store card if they play a free game and share a screenshot of the gameplay.

BlueStacks X is powered by a hybrid cloud technology that is built in collaboration with BlueStacks’ sister company — Using the technology, the company says it can “offload parts of compute and graphics rendering to the endpoints”, which reduces cloud costs and give users a free service — supported by ads.

Commenting on BlueStacks X, CEO Rosen Sharma said, “BlueStacks App Player recently crossed 1 Billion lifetime downloads. BlueStacks X is a natural next step for us. Hybrid cloud is a big technological breakthrough which makes it economically viable to launch the service.”

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